Common Customized dinosaur size reference.

Kawah Dinosaur factory can customize dinosaur models of different sizes for customers. The common size range is 1-25 meters. Normally, the larger size of dinosaur models, the more shocking effect it have. Here is a list of different sizes dinosaur models for your reference.

1 Length 25M Height 15M Lusotitan

Lusotitan — Length 25M, Height 15M

2 Length 23M Height 7M Apatosaurus

Apatosaurus — Length 23M, Height 7M

3 Length 20M T-Rex

T-Rex — Length 20M

4 Length 15M, 10M, 6M Shunosaurus

Shunosaurus — Length 15M, 10M, 6M

5 Length 13M Twin-headed Dragon

Twin-headed Dragon — Length 13M

6 Length 12M Carnotaurus

Carnotaurus — Length 12M

7 Length 10M Mamenchisaurus

Mamenchisaurus — Length 10M

8 Length 8M Parasaurolophus

Parasaurolophus — Length 8M

9 Length 6M Height 3M Three-headed Dragon

Three-headed Dragon — Length 6M, Height 3M

10 Length 5M Height 6M Quetzalcoatlus

Quetzalcoatlus — Length 5M, Height 6M

11 Length 5M Height 2M Triceratops

Triceratops — Length 5M, Height 2M

12 Length 3M Velociraptor

Velociraptor — Length 3M

13 Length 1M Stegosaurus

Stegosaurus — Length 1M

Kawah Dinosaur Official Website:

Post time: Sep-18-2020