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How to repair the Animatronic Dinosaur models if they are broken?

Recently, many customers have asked how long is the lifetimes of the Animatronic Dinosaur models, and how to repair it after purchasing it. On one hand, they are worried about that their own maintenance skills. On the other hand, they are afraid that the cost of repairing from the manufacturer is high. In fact, some common damage can be repaired by themselves.
1. Cannot start after power on
If the simulation animatronic dinosaur models fail to start after being powered on, there are commonly three reasons: circuit failure, remote control failure, infrared sensor failure. If you are not sure what the fault is, you can use the exclusion method to detect. Firstly, check whether the circuit is powered on normally, and then check if there is a problem with the infrared sensor. If the infrared sensor is normal, you can replace a normal dinosaur remote controller. If there is a problem with the remote controller, you need to use the spare accessories prepared by the manufacturer.

2 How to repair the simulation dinosaur models if they are broken
2. Damaged dinosaur skin
When the animatronic dinosaur model is placed outdoors, tourists will often climb and cause skin damage. There are two common repair methods:
A. If the damage is less than 5cm, you can directly suture the damaged skin with needle and thread, and then use fiberglass glue for waterproof treatment;
B. If the damage is larger than 5cm, you need to apply a layer of fiberglass glue first, then stick the elastic stockings on it. Finally apply a layer of fiberglass glue again, and then use acrylic paint to make up the color.
3. Skin color fading
If we use the realistic dinosaur models outdoors for a long time, we will definitely encounter the skin fading, but some fading is caused by surface dust. How to see if it is dust accumulation or really faded? It can be brushed with an acid cleaner, and if it is dust, it will be cleaned. If there is a real color fade, it needs to be repainted with the same acrylic, and then sealed with fiberglass glue.

1 How to repair the simulation dinosaur models if they are broken
4. No sound when moving
If the animatronic dinosaur model can move normally but does not make a sound, there is usually a problem with the sound or TF card. How to repair it? We can exchange the normal audio and the faulty audio. If the problem is not solved, you can only contact the manufacturer to replace the audio TF card.

3 How to repair the simulation dinosaur models if they are broken
5. Tooth loss
Lost teeth are the most common problem with outdoor dinosaur models, which are mostly pulled out by curious tourists. If you have spare teeth, you can directly apply glue to fix them for repair. If there are no spare teeth, you need to contact the manufacturer to mail the teeth of the corresponding size, and then you can repair them yourself.
All in all, some manufacturers of simulation dinosaurs say that their products will not be damaged during use and do not require maintenance, but this is not true. No matter how good the quality is, there always may be damaged. The most important thing is not that there is no damage, but that it can be repaired in a timely and convenient way after damage.

Kawah Dinosaur Official Website: www.kawahdinosaur.com

Post time: Feb-01-2021